- Always empty your pockets before entering AirSlam. No sharp or unauthorized objects are allowed on court.
- Always attempt dunks, shots, tricks, and maneuvers at YOUR OWN RISK.
- Always one Guest per lane.
- Always one ball per lane.
- Always stay in your lane.
- Always be aware of your landing position.
- Always land on both feet.
- Always be in control of your body at all times.
- Always maintain control of the ball.
- Always one attempted basket or dunk per turn.
- Always follow all park rules and Team Member instructions.
- Do not land on your head or neck.
- Do not double bounce or affect another Guest's bounce in any way.
- Do not attempt anything beyond your personal limitations, ability or skill level.
- Do not perform flips on AirSlam.
- Do not hang on the rim.
- Do not bounce off the back wall or netting.
- Do not touch any part of the basketball backboard or netting.
- Do not kick or throw the ball.
- Do not throw balls at another Guest's head or neck area.
- Do not lose control of the basketball.
- Do not enter another lane.
- Do not jump or enter the court if a Team Member is not present.