- Always make sure the landing area is completely clear before jumping into the Foam Pit.
- Always land in the center of the Foam Pit.
- Always empty your pockets before entering the Foam Pit. No sharp or unauthorized objects allowed in the Foam Pit.
- Always land feet first and knees apart.
- Always be in control of your body at all times.
- Always follow all park rules and Team Member instructions.
- Do not participate, play, or jump into the Kiddie Foam Pit if you are more than 46 inches tall.
- Do not land on your face, stomach, back, head, or neck.
- Do not dive, pencil dive, or belly flop.
- Do not attempt anything beyond your personal limitations, ability, or skill level.
- Do not jump into the Foam Pit until the landing area is completely clear.
- Do not do any flips.
- Do not push, tackle, fight, rough play, interfere with another Guest, or be overly aggressive.
- Do not put foam or foam blocks in your mouth.
- Do not play in this area if a Team Member is not present.
MAXIMUM WEIGHT PER GUEST: 100 Pounds (45 kg)
HEIGHT REQUIREMENT: Under 46 Inches (117cm) Tall
AGE REQUIREMENT: 4 Years Old and Younger